Marjorie Greene: ‘Save America, Stop Socialism’ Is ‘Defining Phrase of Where We Are Right Now’

Marjorie Taylor Greene
Marjorie Taylor Greene/YouTube

Georgia congressional candidate Marjorie Greene told The Kyle Olson Show on Saturday she is running for the U.S. House to maintain a “free America.”

Greene said her business background will be helpful in running the government is she is elected.

“As a business owner in the commercial construction industry for almost two decades now, that’s something we had to work,” she said of trying to make the venture sustainable and profitable.

“We can’t run a deficit otherwise we go out of business,” Greene, who is running in the 14th district, said.

“So if I were to run my business the way the government — Congress — produces budgets and runs the federal government, then I certainly would be out of business,” she told The Kyle Olson Show.

Greene said problem-solving is another skill business owners need, along with being able to adapt to financial conditions.

The candidate has been repeatedly attacked by National Public Radio (NPR), CNN, the Washington Post, and the New York Times, and she said it is because she is “a regular person” and “supported President Trump.”

But, Greene argued, the Speaker Paul Ryan-led “Republican-controlled Congress didn’t do the things I thought were important. Things like funding the wall. They didn’t defund the sanctuary cities, as a matter of fact, they funded them.”

“They didn’t defund Planned Parenthood. They funded Planned Parenthood for $500 million,” she said.

“They didn’t repeal Obamacare, which hurt my family very much,” with premiums that increase three-fold, Greene added.

She said Republicans also allowed the Russian collusion hoax to fester “to the point that Nancy Pelosi led the Democrats to impeach President Trump under her tenure.”

Greene said she is “100 percent pro-life” and wants to outlaw abortion. She said, “I am 100 percent pro-Second Amendment, pro-gun rights, and I think the government needs to leave us alone and not touch our gun rights.”

She contended the mainstream media is attacking her because they are “Democrat activists posing as journalists” and she is a “strong conservative woman running for Congress.”

Greene’s campaign slogan is “Save America, Stop Socialism,” and she called it the “defining phrase of where we are now.”

She encouraged every American to read the 110-page “manifesto” Joe Biden authored with Bernie Sanders.

“This is what we have to stop. It is pure socialism, and you could even call some of it a tinge of communism,” Greene said.

She predicted if Biden is elected, “it will change our country forever. We won’t be able to flip things back to freedom.”

Kyle Olson is a reporter for Breitbart News. He is also host of “The Kyle Olson Show,” syndicated on Michigan radio stations on weekends. Listen to segments on YouTube or download full podcast episodes. Follow him on Twitter, like him on Facebook, and follow him on Parler.


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