Kenosha Police arrested a group of nine out-of-state alleged rioters who were reportedly filling up “multiple fuel cans” and driving vehicles containing illegal fireworks, helmets, gas masks, and suspected controlled substances.

According to the Kenosha Police’s media release, officers were tipped off to the presence of three out-of-state vehicles meeting in in a remote lot.

The police tailed the vehicles, and observed occupants filling “multiple fuel cans” at a gas station, after which officers attempted to make contact and investigate.

One of the vehicles, a minivan, attempted to flee, but police successfully stopped the vehicle and forced entry.

Kenosha Police’s full media release is copied below:

Media Release
August 27, 2020

During the early evening hours of August 26, 2020 Kenosha Police Department received a citizen tip alerting us to several suspicious vehicles with out of state plates meeting in a remote lot near State Highway 50 and Green Bay Road.

Acting on this information Kenosha Police Offices located the suspicious vehicles and took up surveillance. Kenosha Police were assisted by the United States Marshals. The vehicles were a black school bus, bread truck and tan minivan. Kenosha Police confirmed the out of state license plates.

Police followed the vehicles to a gas station near Washington Road and 30th Avenue. Police observed the occupants of the black bus and bread truck exit and attempt to fill multiple fuel cans.

Suspecting that the occupants of these vehicles were preparing for criminal activity related to the civil unrest, officers attempted to make contact and investigate. The officers exited their vehicles, identified themselves, were wearing appropriate identification, and then detained the occupants of the bus and bread truck.

The minivan attempted to drive away; however, Kenosha Police stopped this vehicle and ultimately forced entry to the minivan and arrested the occupants.

The vehicles contained various items that included helmets, gas masks, protective vests, illegal fireworks, and suspected controlled substances. The 9 individuals were arrested for disorderly conduct and are pending charging decisions by the Kenosha County District Attorney.

Allum Bokhari is the senior technology correspondent at Breitbart News, where he has published material from whistleblowers inside  GoogleFacebookYouTube, and Twitter.

Bokhari’s upcoming book, #DELETED: Big Tech’s Battle to Erase the Trump Movement and Steal The Election is currently available for preoder at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other retailers.