CLAIM: Illegal aliens who arrived in the United States “deserve” health insurance, according to the Sanchez family featured at the Democrat National Convention (DNC).

VERDICT: The Department of Justice (DOJ) has made clear that lacking a job, health care, economic instability, and fear of crime are not legitimate claims for asylum in the U.S.

“Our home is here. North Carolina is all I know. I qualify for DACA, but Donald Trump took away my ability to apply for the program,” said Jessica Sanchez, a disabled migrant who has lived in the U.S. since she was one year old.

“I don’t have the right ID, so I can’t get health insurance through the exchange,” she said. “I need health insurance; I deserve it, right?”

“Of course you do,” Sylvia Sanchez said.

In 2018, DOJ officials clarified that claims for asylum must be legitimate in order to remain in the U.S. Claims such as needing work, lacking health care, being fearful of crime, and family reunification are not legitimate claims for asylum.

The left-wing organization Immigration Equality acknowledges that health care is not a legal claim to asylum, noting, “Lack of access to adequate medical treatment, however, is generally not considered persecution.”

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.