Antifa Preparing Violent Attacks on Police and Political Opponents, Say German Authorities

BERLIN, GERMANY - MAY 01: A demonstrator waves a antifascist flag during the 'Revolutionar
Carsten Koall/Getty Images

German security authorities have claimed that members of the far-left Antifa movement are preparing attacks on police officers and political opponents, including potential assassinations.

The Antifa movement in Germany and its 50 supporting groups across the country are becoming increasingly more violent, according to a report from the Federal Criminal Police Office and the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution seen by Focus magazine. They are also believed to be plotting targetted attacks.

Authorities are also concerned over allegations that some German Antifa members have travelled to northern Syria to undertake combat training with the left-wing Kurdish militia, the YPG, Focus reports.

Breitbart London has reported on Antifa links to the terrorist Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in the past in Germany.  In 2018, Antifa extremists admitted to firebombing a Turkish mosque in Kassel linked to the far-right Turkish Grey Wolves, an enemy of the PKK.

Earlier this year, Hamburg constitutional Judge Cornelia Ganten-Lange was linked to both Antifa and the PKK, having given lectures at the Antifa “Rote Flora” squat on representing PKK terror group members.

In June in Austria, members of the Grey Wolves clashed with both Antifa and members of the PKK in Vienna in the heavily migrant-populated Favoriten district.

“These conflicts are imported from Turkey,” Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said.

“If you need street fights, you should do it in Turkey, but there is no place for it in Austria,” Mr Kurz added.

According to the Berlin Constitutional Protection Agency, Antifa has been behind dozens of attacks in the German capital from paint attacks on buildings to arson attacks. They have primarily targetted right-wing politicians and journalists.

Last year, Antifa released an alleged “assassination guide” on the Indymedia web platform, which has often been used by militants to claim responsibility for various attacks, including the attempted killing of Alternative for Germany (AfD) MP Frank Magnitz.

Follow Chris Tomlinson on Twitter at @TomlinsonCJ or email at ctomlinson(at)


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