Jim Bognet: ‘Despicable’ Matt Cartwright Would Try to Fool Voters with Fake Website on Obamacare

Jim Bognet, Matt Cartwright
Bognet For Congress, Democratic Weekly Address

Former Donald Trump administration official Jim Bognet slammed Rep. Matt Cartwright (D-PA) as “despicable” and “desperate” in an exclusive comment on Wednesday for creating a fake website to falsely allege that Bognet would support eliminating protections for preexisting conditions.

Cartwright, who represents Pennsylvania’s eighth congressional district, launched a campaign ad recently, claiming that Bognet would eliminate health insurance coverage for millions of Americans.

“During #COVID19, I’m fighting for relief for American families and small businesses, and to make our drugs here in the U.S. – not China,” Cartwright wrote on Wednesday. “But Jim Bognet? He’d take us backwards, and take away health care for millions. Let’s move America forward.”

“And preexisting conditions like COVID-19? They won’t be covered,” Cartwright said in the ad.

The graphic used in the campaign ad appears to be Bognet’s campaign website; however, it seems that the Cartwright campaign created a fake website, realJimBognet.com, to discuss how Bognet would allegedly eliminate protection for those with preexisting conditions. The website reads at the bottom, “Paid for Cartwright for Congress.” The website wrote:

Jim Bognet spent years trying to elect Republicans who promised to repeal Obamacare because he said he supported what they stood for, and now he’s trying to get himself elected to do more of the same. Bognet called the law that protects people with pre-existing conditions a “disaster” and says we shouldn’t “double down” on it. He’s campaigning on continuing the same failed agenda that keeps trying to take healthcare from millions, and he’s stood by silently while the Trump Administration and the GOP actively tries to take healthcare from millions in court.

If the Affordable Care Act is repealed, 130 million Americans with pre-existing conditions would lose their coverage. And anyone who was sick with Coronavirus could see it treated as a pre-existing condition.

Despite Cartwright’s claim, Bognet’s campaign website promises to move away from the failed Obamacare, which he contended raises prices and lowers health care access. He wrote:

Every American deserves quality health care they can afford. Democrats in Congress want to double down on the disaster that was Obamacare and usher in a new era of higher prices, less access and greater control by government bureaucrats. Socialized medicine is not the answer to our health care challenges.

In Congress, I will fight to protect Americans with pre-existing conditions, and make sure they are not denied insurance and health care.

Breitbart News’ Senior-at-Large Joel Pollak wrote that Republican attempts to repeal Obamacare included protections for those with preexisting conditions.

Bognet told Breitbart News in an exclusive comment on Wednesday that it is “despicable” that Cartwright has to resort to such dirty tactics to fool Pennsylvania voters.

“Country Club Cartwright is getting desperate and it’s only July. Not only did he have to co-sponsor other people’s legislation just last week to have some ‘accomplishments’ for his dishonest attack ad, Cartwright had to rely on information from a fake website paid by his own campaign to lie about me,” Bognet told Breitbart News. “It’s sad that a sitting Congressman would resort to such despicable tactics to try to pull the wool over voters’ eyes. When I am in Congress, I will always tell them the truth and will never engage in this dishonest behavior.”

Sean Moran is a congressional reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SeanMoran3.


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