The Washington Post removed a front-page graphic on Friday after nationwide coronavirus deaths have continued to decline under President Donald Trump.
The Post added a graphic on its Wednesday edition depicting daily new coronavirus deaths. The graphic illustrates that the daily coronavirus deaths have continued to decline since April. Daily coronavirus hit a recent spike on June 16, even though daily coronavirus deaths have continued to decrease gradually.

The Washington Post changed its front-page coronavirus graphic on Thursday to illustrate recent state spikes in coronavirus cases, not declining nationwide daily deaths in states such as Arizona, Arkansas, South Carolina, Alabama, and Oregon.
Now, with daily coronavirus cases continuing to decline, the Washington Post removed the daily coronavirus death graph on Friday that they typically feature on the front page. Instead, the paper relegated the daily deaths graphic to section A10, far from the front-page.
Now that coronavirus deaths continue to decline under President Donald Trump; the Washington Post switched its focus to report on the recent spike in coronavirus cases across the country.
“Coronavirus case numbers are hitting record highs globally and in some U.S. states, prompting faceoffs between officials who seek to require face coverings and those, particularly conservatives, who oppose such measures,” the Post wrote on Friday.
“Case numbers hit record highs Friday in Florida and Arizona as they continue to surge in the South and West,” the paper continued. “Tulsa County in Oklahoma — where President Trump plans to hold a campaign rally Saturday — also hit a record high Friday.”
The Post noted that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that the coronavirus death toll could rise as high as 145,000 by July 11, or that “as many as 26,000 Americans could die in the next few weeks.”
Sean Moran is a congressional reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SeanMoran3.