Watch Live: Trump Supporters Line Up Two Days Ahead of Oklahoma Rally

Supporters of President Donald Trump are lining up in Tulsa, Oklahoma, two days ahead of the president’s campaign rally, which is scheduled for Saturday at 8:00 p.m. EST.

Trump supporters lined up on Thursday as they await the president’s rally on Saturday, an event that is expected to draw at least 100,000 people — one fourth of Tulsa’s population.

“I’d love to let him know we’re here for him,” said Trump supporter Robin Stites to the Oklahoman.

“We want to show our support,” she added, explaining why she was out there so far in advance. “We feel like President Trump and his family have dedicated their lives to helping our country. Sacrificing a week of our lives is nothing for what Trump has done for us.”

James Massery, another supporter of the president who got in line early, told the newspaper that he used his vacation days from work so he could line up early to ensure a spot inside.

“This is kind of a historical thing,” said Massery. “This is the first rally since the shutdown and, two, how many times do you get to see the sitting president?”

Breitbart News is on the ground in Tulsa and will be at the rally, interviewing attendees and covering the event.

The rally on Saturday will be President Trump’s first campaign rally since the Chinese coronavirus pandemic hit the United States. The campaign says it will provide attendees with masks and hand sanitizer.

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Twitter at @ARmastrangelo, and on Instagram.


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