How’s the Second Amendment looking now, pal — with your city on fire and the Democrat politicians you voted for refusing to do anything about it?
So let me see if I understand your pious way of looking at the world…
You own us MAGAtards by continuing to vote for the same Democrats who have overseen decades of destruction of pretty much every major American city. Granted, it didn’t take De Blasio decades… Just a few years, but you get my drift.
You own Fox News by continuing to support far-left media outlets like CNNLOL that encourage the very riots and Antifa terrorists that are right now burning your neighborhood.
You own the police by supporting the Antifa and Black Lives Matter marauders who are right now burning and looting your neighborhood.
You own the NRA by refusing to own any kind of firearm.
Do I have that right?
Did I check off all the ways in which you are owning your political enemies? Did I miss any of your awesome ownage? Did I click all the boxes of all self-righteous posturing in that Ownage-o-rama of yours?
Well, look at you now…
You’ve spent five nights huddled in your apartment praying to Gaia that the terrorists you support (to own the Orange Bad Man, natch) don’t come-a-knockin’ because you got nothing to stop them — other than a nine-iron, which is awfully difficult to swing in that $2800 a month crackerbox you call an apartment.
Hey, you got exactly what you voted for, and you voted to be utterly defenseless as you cower in your apartment while the Democrats you vote for allow left-wing terrorists you champion to destroy your city, loot local businesses, and assault your neighbors.
Seriously, what did you think was going to happen as 1) your Democrats championed Antifa, while at the same time 2) your Democrats used a plague as an excuse to release violent criminals, while 3) your Democrats manipulated your bigotry towards Rural America to convince you to disarm yourself?
Your neighborhood is now filled with criminals, the Democrats you voted for hoodwinked you into not buying a firearm, and you’re surrounded by marauders with no way to protect yourself.
Video Source: KTTV FOX 11How’s that Right to Bear Arms looking now, Sunshine?
Because what’s happening right now is precisely why there is a Second Amendment. Even though — for all the reasons listed above — it’s your fault that law and order is non-existent in your city, our Founding Fathers still believed that, in the end, even a jackass like yourself enjoys the God-given right to self defense, especially when the government fails in its primary duty, which is to protect your life, your liberty, and your property…
And when you see these godless marauders swarm innocent people like something out of a zombie movie with no police in sight, you finally have an answer to that pompous question of yours: Why do the Guntards need AR-15s and magazines that hold all those bullets?
And do you want to know why else we Guntards need those AR-15s and those massive magazines that hold all that ammo? So that the left-wing terrorists you support know we have AR-15s and those magazines that hold all that ammo — which is why the left-wing terrorists you support don’t bother those of us out here in Rural America.
These riots are going to keep on keeping on, but they will keep on keeping on only in Democrat-run cities where the left-wing terrorists you support know everyone is owning the NRA by refusing to buy a firearm, by refusing to do fulfill their primary responsibility, which is to protect your home and family.
Eventually, all the stores will either be burnt out, looted out, or abandoned… And that will leave just you and your home to pillage, but at least you’ll be owning the NRA when your door’s kicked in.
Video Source: Matt Perdie / Breitbart NewsThis is blue on blue violence. This is the monsters you created turning on their creator. This is Democrats eating their own. This is not my problem.
I do hope you wake up before you get hurt.
But if you don’t, you can’t say no one warned you.
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