Los Angeles Brand Unveils Underwear with Fauci, Cuomo, Newsom’s Names

Los Angeles Brand Unveils Underwear with Fauci, Cuomo, and Newsom’s Names

Canava’s new underwear features their “dream team” — Governors Andrew Cuomo and Gavin Newsom as well as Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Los Angeles clothier Canava is plastering the names of three prominent pandemic personalities on women’s underwear. “NEWSOM, FAUCI, CUOMO = our version of a dream team and we heard you loud and clear,” the brand posted on Instagram Saturday. “After the launch of the NYC Limited Edition there was an outcry for MORE MORE MORE.”

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NEWSOM, FAUCI, CUOMO = our version of a dream team and we heard you loud and clear, after the launch of the NYC Limited Edition there was an outcry for MORE MORE MORE. Now there are Newsom & Fauci, limited edition briefs and bikinis. Run to your keyboard; there aren’t very many of these babies to be had. When you buy any of these limited edition products, we will be matching dollar for dollar your purchase with an equal product donation to healthcare workers in NYC (NYC, Cuomo & Fauci) or California (Newsom). We really want them to be able to rest, recharge, and relax as much as possible when they get home. . . . . . . #fauci #cuomo #newsom #sustainablefashion #newyorkstrong #healthcareheroes #anthonyfauci #gavinnewsom #fauciforpresident #faucigang #cuomobrothers #cuomosexual #cuomoforpresident #andrewcuomo #sustainable #sustainabledesign #anthonyfauci

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“Run to your keyboard; there aren’t very many of these babies to be had,” the company warned. They also sweetened the deal with an offer to provide “an equal product donation to healthcare workers in [NYC and California],” so that medical personnel could have the opportunity to “rest, recharge, and relax” — in their branded apparel, of course.

Canava calls themselves a “profit for purpose” company. And what could be a nobler purpose than turning healthcare workers into national mascots during a global pandemic?

“We are living in unlikely times, and we heard you loud and clear that you wanted to show your ‘appreciation’ with more than a thank you,” Canava says in its product description for their Fauci bikini briefs. Cuomo underwear are lower cut for anyone “thirsty” for the New York governor, alongside hipster briefs for those “loving on” the governor of California.

This is far from the only fashion idea spawned by the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. An Italian designer recently launched a “trikini” that includes a matching mask with its typical two-piece wear, and Salvatore’s Pizza is working with Donuts Delite to put Dr. Fauci’s face on their pastries.


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