More Americans are worried about contracting the coronavirus than “experiencing severe financial hardship” because of the disruption, according to a Gallup poll released on Thursday.

The poll found that 57 percent are worried they will get the coronavirus while 48 percent are concerned that they will experience financial hardship.

Gallup also found that “Republicans also express similar levels of concern about the two risks, but are notably less concerned about each Democrats, meanwhile, are twice as likely as Republicans to be worried about getting COVID-19, and are significantly more worried about experiencing financial hardship.”

The poll found that 36% of Republicans are worried about getting coronavirus and 34% are concerned about experiencing financial hardship. Seventy-three percent of Democrats are worried about getting coronavirus and 54% of Democrats are concerned about suffering financial hardship.

Gallup also found that, “consistent with the medical guidance about who is most at risk of experiencing severe symptoms from COVID-19, those who report in the survey that they have ever been diagnosed with chronic lung problems or asthma, or are immune-compromised, are especially worried about the possibility of contracting the illness.”

In addition, Americans who have had cancer and those who have diabetes, hypertension/high blood pressure, and heart disease are also more likely to fear getting the coronavirus than suffering severe economic hardship, according to the poll.

Gallup conducted its survey April 10-12, “with a random sample of 2,448 U.S. adults, and its margin of error is +/- 4 percentage points.