Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said in an interview Tuesday that the Democrats’ impeachment effort diverted the attention of the government from coronavirus.
“It came up while we were tied down on the impeachment trial,” McConnell said on the Hugh Hewitt show. “And I think it diverted the attention of the government, because everything every day was all about impeachment.”
The first U.S. patient diagnosed with coronavirus arrived in the country on January 15 — the same day that the House voted on a resolution to impeach President Trump.
Pelosi infamously handed out commemorative pens after the signing of the resolution, and urged Americans to “tune into” House impeachment managers walking from the House the Senate.
On January 23, House impeachment managers made their opening arguments to members of the Senate, who were obligated to attend the impeachment hearings.
On January 29, Trump formed the White House Coronavirus Task Force.
On January 30, senators began two days of questions during the impeachment trial.
On January 31, Trump declared a ban on travel to the U.S. from China.
Trump was not acquitted until February 6.
McConnell also criticized Democrats for trying to pass a rescue package stuffed with progressive proposals unrelated to coronavirus.
“I’m reminded of what Rahm Emanuel said during the financial crisis – never let a crisis go to waste,” McConnell said.
“What that meant was seize in the crisis to try to achieve unrelated policy items that you have not been able to get under other circumstances. So I would think any kind of bill coming out of the House I would look at like Reagan suggested we look at the Russians – trust, but verify.
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