Sen. Ron Johnson’s (R-WI) investigation into Joe Biden and his son Hunter’s dealings in Ukraine is doing the former vice president’s campaign “an enormous favor,” a spokesperson for the White House hopeful claimed this week.

In the wake of Joe’s strong performance on Super Tuesday that catapulted him into front-runner status in the Democrat primary, Sen. Johnson announced that he is pushing for the first subpoena in his investigation into the Bidens, which revolves around the allegedly corrupt Ukrainian gas company Burisma.

Hunter served on Burisma’s board of directors between 2014 and 2019. He began working for the company while his father was in charge of U.S. policy towards Ukraine.

On Wednesday, Senate Homeland Security Committee Chairman Johnson revealed that Republicans in the upper chamber are also planning to release an interim report on their Biden-Burisma investigation within one to two months, signaling that the probe has intensified.

In response to Johnson’s announcements, Joe’s presidential campaign told Politico that the Senate Republicans’ probe could help the former vice president.

“Senator Johnson just accidentally did us an enormous favor by explicitly admitting that he is abusing congressional authority in a manner that would make the founding fathers spin in their graves,” Andrew Bates, a spokesman for the campaign, reportedly argued in a statement to Politico on Wednesday.

Hunter’s actions and behavior, including an ongoing paternity lawsuit in Arkansas that linked him to money laundering activities affiliated with Burisma, appear to be more of a liability for his father’s quest to become the next U.S. president than an asset.

This week, Sen. Johnson pushed back against Democrats’ assertion that Republicans have stepped up their probe because of Biden’s success Super Tuesday.

He denied that he is seeking a subpoena against the lobbying firm that represents Burisma in the United States, Blue Star Strategies, because of its link to Biden.

“My investigations are not focused on the Bidens. They’re just not. But I can’t ignore them because they’re part of the story. They made themselves part of the story,” Johnson proclaimed, according to the Washington Examiner.

“It’s not our fault that Joe Biden, Hunter Biden got wrapped up in the whole Ukrainian story,” Johnson stressed during an interview with Fox News on Wednesday. “We are not closing our eyes to this.”

“The American people deserve to know what happened,” he added.

Ukrainian investigators and Senate Republicans are investigating alleged pressure by Joe that led to the removal of Ukraine’s top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, in 2016.

In 2018, Joe bragged about the fact that he threatened to withhold $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees to Ukraine if the Eastern European country did not fire Shokin.

While the Bidens deny any wrongdoing, Shokin claimed he was ousted because he wanted to investigate Burisma.

Hunter’s work for Burisma prompted corruption and conflict of interest concerns from individuals inside and outside the Obama administration that were ultimately rebuffed by the then-vice president’s office in 2015.

Joe’s son got paid a lucrative $83,000 per month despite having no experience in energy matters.

Sen. Johnson indicated this week that there is no evidence that the Bidens engaged in wrongdoing in Ukraine because no one has looked into the matter.

Hunter has a history of using his father’s political influence for financial gain.