Multiple media outlets on Wednesday have called the Maine Democrat primary for former Vice President Joe Biden after he narrowly defeated Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

Twenty-four pledged delegates are at stake in the Maine Democrat primary, and multiple media outlets, including the Association Press (AP), Decision Desk, and the Bangor Daily News, have declared Biden the winner.

Biden surged during Super Tuesday’s primaries Tuesday night after Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Pete Buttigieg dropped out of the Democrat presidential primaries and endorsed the former vice president for the Democrat nomination.

With 91 percent of the Democrat primary votes reported, Biden won 34 percent of the vote, Sanders had32 percent, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) placed at a distant third with 15 percent support.

Two polls released on Tuesday found that the Vermont senator would win. Change Research claimed that Sanders would win by 19 points over former Vice President Joe Biden, while Data for Progress found that the Vermont senator would beat Biden by nine points in the New England state.

Biden and Sanders split the other two New England Democrat primaries Tuesday night. Sanders handily won his home state of Vermont with twice the number of votes backing him, while Biden won by roughly five percent in Massachusetts.

The progressive Jacobin Magazine called on Warren to drop out of the Democrat presidential primary Tuesday night, contending that she could spoil the primary in favor of Biden over Sanders.

The magazine wrote:

Joe Biden has emerged as the Democratic establishment’s choice to stop Sanders — his two major rivals on the right of the party, Klobuchar and Buttigieg, dropped out and endorsed him. Biden is their champion not against Donald Trump, but the prospect of a progressive takeover of the party.

“Warren has a historic opportunity to be one of the leaders in that fight. Let’s hope she doesn’t squander it,” Jacobin concluded.

Sean Moran is a congressional reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SeanMoran3.