More than 60 percent of registered voters in Florida, and a majority of Hispanic voters, support Gov. Ron DeSantis’s (R) effort to pass mandatory E-Verify across the state to prevent businesses from undercutting American workers by hiring illegal aliens.

A new poll by St. Pete Polls reveals broad support for DeSantis’s mandatory E-Verify plan that would strip business licenses from companies that hire illegal aliens over Americans and legal immigrants.

Overall, more than 6-in-10 Florida voters said they support mandatory E-Verify for all private companies — including agriculture businesses — to ensure Americans and legal immigrants fill U.S. jobs and not illegal aliens.

Less than 30 percent of Florida voters said they oppose mandatory E-Verify and about 11 percent said they are unsure of where they stand on the issue.

DeSantis’s effort is supported by 6-in-10 swing voters, 77 percent of Republicans, and a plurality of 43 percent of registered Democrat voters — despite the big business lobby, Democrat and Republican political machines, and donor class attempts to stop mandatory E-Verify.

Even across racial lines, mandatory E-Verify wins huge support, with more than 56 percent of Hispanic Floridians backing the initiative and only about 32 percent opposing. More than 65 percent of white Floridians and nearly 7-in-10 Asian Floridians said they support mandatory E-Verify.

Black Floridians are the only racial demographic group to, by a plurality, oppose mandatory E-Verify with 43.5 percent opposition and 37.5 percent support.

The poll comes as the Silicon Valley cheap foreign labor lobbying group, co-founded by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and billionaire Bill Gates, commissioned a study in an attempt to tank mandatory E-Verify in the state. claimed that by opening roughly 245,000 jobs to Americans and legal immigrants — jobs which are currently held by illegal aliens — Florida would be catapulted into an economic recession.

A similar poll out of Florida from November 2019 found that 70 percent of all Floridians support mandatory E-Verify — including 63 percent of Democrats and 74 percent of Hispanics.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.