Jill Biden: ‘Hunter Has Done Nothing Wrong,’ Trump Should Testify

Dr. Jill Biden introduces her husband democratic presidential hopeful former US Vice Presi
Joseph Prezioso/AFP/Getty Images

Appearing Monday on CNN’s New Day, former second lady Jill Biden proclaimed that her stepson, Hunter Biden, is innocent of allegations of corruption against him and said President Donald Trump should be a witness in the Senate impeachment trial.

A partial transcript is as follows: 

JOHN BERMAN: Lindsey Graham, the senator from South Carolina, whom I think you count as a friend–

JILL BIDEN: We did, yes.

BERMAN: You did?

BIDEN: Well, I don’t know what happened to Lindsey. We used to be great friends and friends with John McCain. We traveled together with the [Senate] Foreign Relations Committee, we’ve had dinner. Now he’s changed.

BERMAN: Do you consider him a friend anymore?

BIDEN: It’s hard when you — I don’t know — consider them a friend and they’ve said so many things, so many negative things, and that’s been a little hurtful.

BERMAN: I didn’t even get my first question out about him. He has now suggested that Hunter should be called before a Senate committee to testify.

BIDEN: Hunter has done nothing wrong. Why would Hunter be called? Donald Trump should be before that committee.


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