President Donald Trump continued slamming the stalled impeachment process led by House Democrats on Monday, after returning to the White House from the Christmas holiday.

“It is a con game by the Dems to help with the Election!” Trump wrote on Twitter, repeating his condemnation of the process as a “witch hunt” and a “hoax.”

Trump also noted that the House vote on impeachment was uniquely partisan.

“196 to ZERO was the Republican House vote, and we got three Dems,” he wrote. “This was not what the Founders had in mind!”

Trump said that both Congress and the White House should not be wasting their time on the process purposefully stalled by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) prior to the Christmas break.

Reports noted on Monday that Pelosi had not made a decision about what to do with the articles of impeachment passed by the House but would likely provide an update later in the week.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) indicated that he would continue the ordinary business of the Senate until Pelosi sent the articles of impeachment.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said on Sunday that Pelosi would likely “maximize” sending the articles to the Senate until they obtained more evidence, witness, and documents against the president.

Republican Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) has proposed that the Senate dismiss the articles of impeachment if Pelosi refuses to act on them.

“In real world, if prosecution doesn’t proceed with case, it gets dismissed,” Hawley wrote on Tuesday. “So on Monday, I will introduce measure to dismiss this bogus impeachment for lack of prosecution.”