Appearing Monday on CNN’s New Day, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) claimed it would be a “distraction” if Hunter Biden testified as part of a Senate impeachment trial.

The New York Democrat’s remark came after he sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to request the testimonies of acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, former national security advisor John Bolton, senior acting White House chief of Staff adviser Robert Blair, and Office of Management and Budget official Michael Duffey.

A partial transcript is as follows: 

JOHN BERMAN: In your letter to Mitch McConnell, you say, I quote, “We would, of course, be open to the testimony of additional witnesses having direct knowledge of the Administration’s decisions regarding the delay in security assistance funds to the government of Ukraine.”


BERMAN: Does that mean if the Republicans said to you, “we want to hear from Hunter Biden?”

SEN. SCHUMER: Well, look. No one, not a single person I’ve heard, even those who want Hunter Biden, have even alleged that he has knowledge of the fact-case the House is presenting. This shouldn’t be for Democrats to bring in there favorite conspiracy theories and Republicans to bring in theres. This is an august and solemn proceeding. It’s a very important proceeding. These four witnesses have knowledge of the facts. If Mitch McConnell or any other Republican say witness Y or witness C have specific knowledge of what happened, of course I would think they should be able to testify.

BERMAN: But witness Y or witness C, in your mind, does not include Hunter Biden.

SEN. SCHUMER: I agree. They have not shown a single bit of evidence that Hunter Biden can answer any of these facts. He’s a distraction.