Poll: Majority of ‘Active Catholics’ Support President Trump

In this July 5, 2018, photo, President Donald Trump turns to the cheering crowd as he arri
Carolyn Kaster/AP Photo

A majority of practicing U.S. Catholics support President Donald Trump and give him a 52 percent job-approval rating, a poll revealed Monday.

A poll conducted by EWTN News and RealClear Opinion Research to gauge the attitudes of Catholic voters revealed a stark divide between the “most active” Catholics — defined as those who say they accept all or most Church teachings — and those whose faith has less impact on their lives.

Thus, while Trump’s overall job approval rating is 52 percent among the “most active” Catholics, it stands at 44 percent among all Catholics. Those Catholics who say that faith plays only a minor role in their lives gave the president an approval rating of just 28 percent.

Regarding next year’s election, a combined total of 53 percent of “active Catholics” said that either they are sure to vote for Trump (43 percent) or that there is a “good chance they will do so” (12 percent).

Among less active Catholics the numbers look quite different. Only 32 percent of those Catholics who reject certain key teachings of the faith said they are sure to vote for Trump or that there is a good chance they will do so, while fewer still (23 percent) of those whose faith plays only a minor role in their lives think they will vote for Trump in 2020.

Age also plays a significant role in political leanings, the poll found, with younger Catholic voters trending Democrat and older Catholics trending Republican. Among 18- to 34-year-olds, 39 percent self-identify as “liberal” while 22 call themselves “conservative.” Among 55-year-olds and up, however, 45 percent call themselves conservative and only 15 percent consider themselves liberal.

The age gap carries over into how Catholics view the president, with only 34 percent of Catholics under 35 approving of Trump’s job performance while 55 percent of older Catholics (55+) approve of him.

The poll found that a majority of American Catholics (70 percent) believe that people are becoming less tolerant of religion in America today.

A significant majority of U.S. Catholics (62 percent) also believe that Christian values should play a more important role in American society.


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