Elizabeth Warren Releases Physical Exam Results: ‘Very Healthy 70-Year-Old Woman’

Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., runs to the platform as she a
AP Photo/Jim Mone

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) released the results of her annual physical exam on Friday, providing a letter from her doctor, who described her as a “very healthy 70-year-old woman.”

Warren became the first of the top tier candidates to give a glimpse into her health status by releasing a letter from her doctor detailing the presidential hopeful’s status as a healthy candidate. Her physician, Dr. Beverly Woo of the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, said there are “no medical conditions or health problems that would keep her from fulfilling the duties of the President of the United States” should she get the Democrat nomination and defeat President Trump in the general election.

According to Woo’s letter, Warren stands at 5 feet 8 inches, weighing 129 pounds. She “exercises regularly and follows a healthy diet despite her very busy schedule,” Woo wrote. Her blood pressure is 115/57, and she takes medication for hypothyroidism.

“Senator Warren has never smoked, used drugs or had any problem with alcohol use. She exercises regularly and follows a healthy diet despite her very busy schedule,” Woo wrote.

“In summary, Senator Elizabeth Warren is a very healthy 70-year-old woman,” she continued. “There are no medical conditions or health problems that would keep her from fulfilling the duties of the President of the United States.”

The health of Democrat candidates has been of particular interest due to the ages of those within the top tier. Former Vice President Joe Biden (D) is 77, while Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) turned 78 in September. Billionaire Michael Bloomberg, who officially jumped into the presidential ring in November, is 77.

Sanders sparked concerns after suffering a heart attack and undergoing a heart procedure in October. He has since made a full recovery and has been back on the campaign trail, easing the concerns of supporters. Biden, on the other hand, has faced increased scrutiny over his age and mental viability due to his mounting gaffes. He became testy during a town hall event in Iowa on Thursday after a voter mentioned his age and mental faculties.

“You’re damn near as old as I am,” the man said. “You’re too old for the job. I’m 83, and I know damn well I don’t have the mental faculties I did 30 years ago.”

“I’m not sedentary,” Biden quipped, challenging him to a push-up contest. “And you want to check my shape, man. Let’s do push-ups together here, man. Let’s run. Let’s do whatever you want to do. Let’s take an IQ test. Okay?”

Biden, who was also frustrated that the man mentioned his role in Hunter Biden’s business dealings in Ukraine, also called the man “a damn liar” and “fat,” although his campaign has denied the latter, despite the video indicating otherwise:

Sanders has said that he will release his medical records at the “appropriate time,” and Biden indicated he will release his after he gets his next physical exam before February’s Iowa caucuses.

Trump’s unexpected trip to Walter Reed hospital last month sparked concerns, but the White House quickly dispelled rumors and said he was simply “taking advantage of a free weekend here in Washington, DC, to begin portions of his routine annual physical exam at Walter Reed.”

“Anticipating a very busy 2020, the President is taking advantage of a free weekend here in Washington, DC, to begin portions of his routine annual physical exam at Walter Reed,” White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said in a statement.

“The President remains healthy and energetic without complaints, as demonstrated by his repeated vigorous rally performances in front of thousands of Americans several times a week,” she added:


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