Reports: Donald Trump Meets with Clinton Pollster Mark Penn


President Donald Trump met with former Clinton strategist and pollster Mark Penn last Monday, according to reports.

Penn, who helped former President Bill Clinton weather the storm of his impeachment assault in the 90s, met with President Trump to share polling data and advice for the president.

Vice President Mike Pence and Counselor Kellyanne Conway also joined the meeting, which was held in the Oval Office.

The Washington Post reported Penn told Trump he would not be removed from office and encouraged him to travel the United States to focus on issues important to Americans.

Trump also met with Penn in February, according to a New York Times report at the time.

After advising former President Bill Clinton, Penn joined Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign until he was ultimately forced out by competing forces in the campaign.

Since then, Penn has criticized Democrats for moving too far to the left.

“The path back to power for the Democratic Party today, as it was in the 1990s, is unquestionably to move to the center and reject the siren calls of the left, whose policies and ideas have weakened the party,” he wrote in a joint New York Times op-ed in 2017.

Penn denied he was working for Trump, in a statement to CNN.

“I am not in any way working for Donald Trump and not counseling him,” Penn said.


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