Rasmussen: 59% of Voters Fear Violence from Trump’s Foes

Anti-Trump protesters hold signs outside the Target Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota, ahea
KEREM YUCEL/AFP via Getty Images

A Rasmussen poll found that voters fear a greater threat of violence from President Donald Trump’s opponents than from his supporters.

“Voters see a bigger threat from President Trump’s opponents over policy issues than from his supporters if Democrats succeed in removing him from office,” Rasmussen observed. “One-in-three still see the threat of civil war in the near future”:

Democrats, the Hollywood elite, and the mainstream media frequently portray Trump and his supporters as intolerant, divisive, and even violent.

According to the survey, however, 59 percent of likely U.S. voters fear it is Trump’s foes who will resort to violence, including 34 percent who are “very concerned.”

“These findings are unchanged from June of last year,” noted Rasmussen.

The poll found 53 percent of likely voters are concerned, including 24 percent who are “very concerned,” that violence will occur if Democrats succeed in removing Trump from office.

As was the case last year, 31 percent of likely voters fear the United States will experience a second civil war within the next five years, including 41 percent of those voters under the age of 40.

More than 60 percent of Republicans fear violence if Trump is removed from office, with 65 percent “very concerned” or “somewhat concerned” that those opposed to the president’s policies will resort to violence.

Rasmussen observed Democrats fear violence more from Trump’s foes:

But Democrats aren’t nearly as worried about Trump’s supporters which helps explain their strong support for the highly partisan impeachment effort. While 40% of Democrats are Very Concerned that those opposed to Trump’s policies will resort to violence, just 18% feel that way about his supporters if the president is removed from office.

The telephone and online survey included the views of 1,000 likely voters and was conducted November 18-19. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95 percent level of confidence.


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