Poll: Bernie Sanders Overtakes Elizabeth Warren Ahead of Fifth Democrat Debate

The Associated Press
The Associated Press

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is continuing to see a boost in support following his revamped campaign hallmarked by endorsements from key members of the far-left “Squad,” overtaking Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) nationally, a Hill-HarrisX poll released Monday revealed.

Warren and Sanders have been battling it out in recent national and early voting state polls. The Hill-HarrisX poll, taken among 449 registered voters November 16 – 17, 2019, showed Joe Biden (D) – who has been in a back and forth with both Warren and Sanders, as recent polls indicate –  leading the pack with 30 percent of the vote. Sanders overtook Warren for second place, with 18 percent to the Massachusetts senator’s 15 percent support.

Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D), who has been surging in Iowa, came in fourth place with seven percent support, followed by Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), who garnered just four percent support. Notably, billionaire Michael Bloomberg came in right behind the California lawmaker with three percent support, with the remaining candidates seeing two percent support or less.

The margin of error is +/-  4.6 percentage points:

The poll comes just days before Wednesday’s fifth Democrat primary presidential debate in Atlanta, Georgia. Ten candidates qualified, including Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI). Former HUD Secretary Julián Castro (D) did not meet the requirements to participate.


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