Himes: Trump’s Abuse of Power, Corruption ‘Makes the Nixon Impeachment Look like Child’s Play’

On this week’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT) said President Donald Trump’s abuses of power made former President Richard Nixon’s impeachment “look like child’s play.”

Himes said, “We are looking at abuse of power and a level of corruption here that makes the Nixon impeachment look like child’s play. Remember, Nixon wasn’t the guy who actually broke into the Democratic National Committee headquarters. He just knew about it. Nobody died in Ukraine because Nixon held up aid to a very vulnerable nation. Nixon didn’t fire any ambassadors because Giuliani didn’t like that ambassador.”

​“The abuse of power that we are seeing, and I agree with Kellyanne Conway on this point, read the transcript, read the language around ‘do us a favor though,’” he continued. “Understand that in that moment, Ukraine was at war with Russia and the president had himself decided that no aid would flow. These are abuses of power by any stretch of the imagination that require a response.”

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