While crisscrossing the country giving speeches, raising money, and rallying his father’s supporters for 2020, Donald Trump Jr. also picked up a love of political meme warfare.

Trump Jr.’s Instagram profile now features in his description as a “General in the Meme Wars” and in recent months he has increased the number of political memes that he shares on social media to over 2 million followers

“The left can’t meme, we all know that. I think at times it is an effective way of delivering a message,” Trump Jr. said to Breitbart News about his love of political memes.

President Donald Trump’s biggest victory against ISIS after the death of leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi sparked a slew of joyful political memes celebrating the accomplishment.

Trump Jr. frequently weaponizes political moments online, sharing photos ridiculing leftist culture, the media, communists, and even occasionally Republicans like Sen. Mitt Romney.

He said he learned a lot of political tactics from his father during the 2016 campaign.

“My father is a master at branding, whether he did that with low energy Jeb, Crooked Hillary, you name it, the reality is we live in a 140 character or less world, these days,” he said. “Maybe in some cases, its 280 but those don’t tend to perform as much as the short concise explanation points.”

Trump Jr. cited the 2016 campaign and the subsequent Mueller investigation as an awakening for him, demonstrating just how vicious the left and the media had become.

“It’s really frankly more about culture than it is about politics because of all that I’ve gotten to go through,” he said.

The media, he said, had become the “marketing arm of the Democrat National Committee,” opening up themselves for ridicule for their hypocrisy.

Although Trump Jr. said his description as a “General” in the meme wars was a joke, he is rallying the president’s online supporters by sharing their best content.

“I think part of this is just a nod to all of those who are fighting back and pushing back against the bullshit that we’ve all seen from the mainstream media,” he said.

The current political climate provided fertile ground for Trump Jr.’s new book, Triggered: How the Left Thrives on Hate and Wants to Silence Us.

Trump Jr. said some days he regretted that his book was finished, as the left and the media demonstrated more examples of hypocrisy every day.  But he’ll have a chance to take more shots at the left as he increases his media appearances to promote the book.

“I think it’s something that a lot of conservatives who’ve been so oppressed, who’ve been demonetized, de-platformed, on social media, its sort of a good laugh and a little nod to all of those people who’ve sort of worked so hard to be able to get their message out there despite being suppressed by the social media masters,” he said.