Donald Trump Jr. Asks Supporters to ‘Trigger’ Liberals by Sending Them His Book

The Associated Press
The Associated Press

Donald Trump Jr. wants his supporters to “trigger” liberal politicians by having some fun with his new book, Triggered.

The president’s son launched a new website on Monday asking supporters to “trigger your favorite liberal” by sending them a copy of the book.

The website asks supporters to send the book to “your favorite liberal snowflake” and lists mailing address information for prominent liberal political leaders, including failed presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

“In today’s outrage culture I thought it would be sort of a unique way to get something out there and have a little bit of fun, and I think we can trigger a couple of libs together,” Trump Jr. said in a call with conservative reporters on Monday.

The list also includes Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT), who Trump Jr. said needed a reminder.

“I think he probably needs a little education in free speech himself,” Trump Jr. said. “While perhaps he is a conservative, it’s in name only these days.”

Trump Jr. said that although he did not think that Romney was a liberal, “it doesn’t really mean much if you’re actually not willing to fight much for an administration that is getting so much done for the conservative movement.”

“God knows when I was in Utah three weekends ago, it’s the first thing that everyone in his community — whether that be Utahans or whether that be people from LDS community or just conservatives in generals — it’s the first thing that they mention,” he said.

Donald Trump Jr. launched a website allowing supporters to send his new book to prominent liberals.

“It’s sort of a good laugh and a little nod to all of those people who’ve sort of worked so hard to be able to get their message out there despite being suppressed by the social media masters,” Trump Jr. said.

The book, Triggered: How the Left Thrives on Hate and Wants to Silence Us, will be released on November 5.


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