Fact Check–Warren: Trump Has Created ‘Bigger than Ever Humanitarian Crisis’

Democratic presidential hopeful Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren speaks during the f
SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) during the fourth Democrat debate accused President Trump of creating a “bigger than ever humanitarian crisis” by withdrawing American troops from Syria this week, amid a clash between Turkish forces and Syrian Kurds.

However, the conflict in Yemen — which the Obama administration first began supporting Saudi Arabia in fighting — is a far bigger humanitarian crisis.

Trump this week withdrew about 1,000 U.S. forces from northern Syria in the face of an oncoming Turkish invasion into northern Syria.

Democrats accused the president of abandoning a U.S. ally, since U.S. forces fought alongside Syrian Democratic Forces to help defeat the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in Syria.

According to Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, there have been 250,000 displaced by Turkey’s invasion, and at least 71 civilians killed since the beginning of the invasion.

However, the continuing conflict in Yemen — which the Obama administration first began supplying Saudi Arabia military support for — is a far bigger humanitarian crisis.

There are between one million to two million Kurds in Syria, according to the New York Times.

However, there are more than ten times the number of Yemenis who are in need of humanitarian assistance.

Approximately 24 million Yemenis — about 80 percent of the population — are in need of humanitarian assistance from the Saudi-led war in Yemen against the Iran-backed Houthis, and millions more have been displaced by the fighting in Yemen, according to the Voice of America.

The United Nations has called the crisis in Yemen “the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.”

The UN estimates that about 10 children die per day in Yemen from diseases caused by hunger, and there has been an outbreak of cholera resulting in more than a million cases and about 3,000 deaths since the fighting began in 2014.

Save the Children estimates that 85,000 Yemeni children under the age of 5 may have died of starvation.

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