An anonymous “whistleblower” claiming alleged misconduct by President Donald Trump has raised more than $65,000 in a GoFundMe crowdfunding campaign.

The group Whistleblower Aid created a GoFundMe page titled “Help the Intelligence Officer Whistleblower” on Wednesday, and has already raised more than $65,000 for this person.

The page states that all the proceeds would go “toward the whistleblower’s legal fees.” The “whistleblower” alleged that Trump pressed Ukraine’s leader to investigate 2020 Democrat candidate Joe Biden, and has caused House Democrats to start a formal impeachment inquiry into Trump.

Mark Zaid, who serves as the “whistleblower’s” lawyer, confirmed the fundraising effort in a Wednesday night tweet.

“We would appreciate any and all support US citizens can give,” Zaid tweeted.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) confirmed Wednesday that the identity of the unknown “whistleblower” has a political bias in favor of one of Trump’s 2020 rivals.

The “whistleblower”— who is reported to be a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officer— said in the complaint the knowledge was obtained from “White House officials” but was not firsthand knowledge, according to a Justice Department official.