Fred Fleitz: Did Intelligence Committee Democrats Help Orchestrate Deep State Complaint?

Fred Fleitz

Fred Fleitz, who recently served as chief of staff to former National Security Adviser John Bolton and is the CEO of the Center for Security Policy, has questioned the origins of the complaint about President Trump and Ukraine.

He spoke after a redacted version was released publicly on Thursday morning.

“As a former CIA analyst and former NSC official who edited transcripts of POTUS phone calls with foreign leaders, here are my thoughts on the whistleblower complaint which was just released,” he said.

First, he said, “This is not an intelligence matter. It is a policy matter and a complaint about differences over policy. Presidential phone calls are not an intelligence concern. The fact that IC officers transcribe these calls does not give the [intelligence community inspector general] jusrisdiction (sic) over these calls.

Second, he said, “It appears that rules restricting access and knowledge of these sensitive calls was breached. This official was not on this call, not on the approved [dissemination] list and should not have been briefed on the call.”

“The way this complaint was written suggested the author had a lot of help. I know from my work on the House Intel Commitee staff that many whistleblowers go directly to the intel oversight committees. Did this whistleblower first meet with House Intel committee members?”

“It is therefore important that Congress find out where this complaint came from. What did House and Senate intel committee dem members and staff know about it and when? Did they help orchestrate this complaint?”

Fleitz continued, “My view is that this whistleblower complaint is too convenient and too perfect to come from a typical whistleblower. Were other IC officers involved? Where outside groups opposed to the president involved?”

He said the intelligence community (IC) whistleblower’s complaint would damage relations between the IC and the White House for “many years to come, ” since the IC officers appear to be politicizing presidential phone calls.

“This complaint will further damage IC relations with the White House for many years to come because IC officers appear to be politicizing presidential phone calls with foreign officials and their access to the president and his activities in the White House,” he said.

“Worst of all, this IC officer — and probably others — have blatantly crossed the line into policy. This violates a core responsibility of IC officers is to inform, but not make policy,” he added.

This is such a grevious violation of trust between the IC and the White House that it would not surprise me if IC officers are barred from all access to POTUS phone calls with foreign officials.”

Fleitz, after a Thursday morning hearing by the House Intelligence Committee, where the whistleblower was said to have followed rules, further questioned how his complaint became public.

“Its pretty clear from the Washington Post story that someone knew the details of this complaint who is hostile to @realDonaldTrump and leaked it to the press. My guess is this leak came from House Democrats who have been heavily involved in orchestrating this complaint,” he wrote.

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