Watch: Trump War Room Features Brutal Video of Bumbling Joe Biden

GALIVANTS FERRY, SC - SEPTEMBER 16: Former Vice President and Democratic presidential cand
Sean Rayford/Getty

President Donald Trump’s campaign highlighted Democrat concerns about former Vice President Joe Biden, as he continues to lead the Democrat polls.

Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale posted a campaign war room video on Tuesday featuring all of  Biden’s gaffe-ridden presidential campaign moments as well as media analysis questioning his abilities as a candidate.

The video features Biden’s advice to poor parents to, “play the record player at night” for their kids, calling fellow candidates Senators Bernie Sanders and Cory Booker “president,” and referring to a town in New Hampshire as “Vermont.”

It also features prominent media figures questioning his future as a political candidate as well as Sen. Corey Booker admitting, “There are just moments where you listen to Joe Biden and you just wonder.”



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