Fox Business Anchor Trish Regan is urging President Trump to seize the opportunity to secure numerous gun controls via executive power.
On August 7, 2019, Regan tweeted that Trump “has a major opportunity: he can BAN assault weapons and invoke strict gun laws and background checks in one executive order.”
Regan did not mention that expanding background checks would have done nothing to prevent the Dayton shooter, as he acquired his gun “legally.” Moreover, there was an “assault weapons” ban at the federal level from 1994-2004, and the Department of Justice’s National Institute of Justice reported that the ban resulted in “no discernible reduction in the lethality and injuriousness of gun violence,” according to the Washington Times.
Ironically, California has strict gun laws yet regularly draws the nation’s attention with high profile shootings, such as the one witnessed July 28, 2019, at the Gilroy Garlic Festival.
AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and the writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkins, a weekly newsletter focused on all things Second Amendment, also for Breitbart News. He is the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at Sign up to get Down Range at