Alabama Church Sign Claims ‘A Black Vote for Trump Is Mental Illness’

A man hold a "Blacks for Trump" sign as he waits to see US Republican presidential nominee

New Era Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama, is making headlines again as it displays a controversial message regarding President Donald Trump and black voters in America.

According to Alabama’s Yellowhammer News, the sign outside of the church on Tuesday read, “A black vote for Trump is mental illness.”

The church, which is led by Pastor Michael R. Jordan, is known for its questionable signage from the past.

Last year, the church and its pastor faced scrutiny after the sign outside read, “Black folks need to stay out of white churches.” At the same time last year, the opposite side of the sign read, “White folks refused to be our neighbors.”

“White folk have proved they don’t want to live next door to us, or be our neighbors, or worship with us,” Jordan said at the time. “Now they want to plant a white church in a black neighborhood under the umbrella of supposedly to fight crime.”

Jordan went on to claim “the white church elected a racist president Donald Trump.”

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