Don Jr. Mocks Mueller at TPUSA Event: ‘Maybe He Is a Republican!’

GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN - MARCH 28: Donald Trump Jr. talks to the press before the arrival
Scott Olson/Getty Images

Donald Trump Jr. spoke to students at TPUSA’s Teen Student Action Summit (TSAS) in Washington, DC, on Wednesday and opened his speech with a few words on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s testimony before the House Judiciary Committee, calling it a “disaster” but “fantastic” for Republicans.

“I’m watching the disaster which is Mueller’s testimony right now,” Trump said, prompting boos from the audience.

“No no– It’s fantastic,” Trump said. “He literally just said he has no idea who or what Fusion GPS is. That’s like being a home builder, like myself, and not knowing what a foundation is.”

Mueller revealed he was unfamiliar with Fusion GPS – the opposition research firm behind the Steele dossier that largely sparked the original inquiry – during a line of questioning from Rep. Steve Chabot (R-OH).

“When discussing the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting, you reference ‘the firm that produced the Steele reporting.’ The name of that firm was Fusion GPS. Is that correct?” Chabot asked.

Mueller did not immediately answer and asked for a page number. Chabot repeated the question, “When you talk about the firm that produced the Steele reporting, the name of the firm that produced that was Fusion GPS. Is that correct?”

“I am not familiar with—with that, I—,” Mueller confessed.

Trump called the admission “insane”

“Thousands of interviews. Hundreds of subpoenas. Fifty million dollars almost spent on an investigation and you don’t know the root of it? You don’t know what started it?” he asked.

“I went from being ‘Wow, this guy’s a disaster’ to ‘this guy is the greatest thing in the world.’ Maybe he is a Republican!” Trump joked.

He continued:

It’s incredible to me that this sham could go on for so long. I mean, think about that. Two years. Fifty- million dollars, and the biggest thing – and the question I haven’t seen yet I’d like answered is, when did you know there was no collusion? We all know it was right from start, but the biggest thing – one of the things they wanted to make sure that happened was that they got through midterms. They wanted that cloud hanging over my father’s head in midterms.

On a relative basis, we actually had a very successful midterm. Probably one of the most successful midterms in modern history in that we gained seats in the Senate, but we didn’t do what we wanted to in the House. If you look at who we lost in the House, that’s sort of a never-Trump contingent. [It was] time to flush those because honestly, we need guys that are actually willing to fight.

Chabot continued to grill Mueller on the actions of GPS, despite the former Special Counsel’s appeal to ignorance, saying:

In stark contrast to the actions of the Trump campaign, we know that the Clinton campaign did pay Fusion GPS to gather dirt on the Trump campaign from persons associated with foreign governments. But your report doesn’t mention a thing about Fusion GPS in it. And you didn’t investigate Fusion GPS’s connections to Russia. So let me ask you this: can you see that from neglecting to mention Glen Simpson and Fusion GPS’s involvement with the Clinton campaign to focusing on a brief meeting at the Trump Tower that produced nothing to ignoring the Clinton campaign’s own ties to Fusion GPS why some view your report as a pretty one-sided attack on the president?

Mueller repeatedly said any discussion on Fusion GPS, Glenn Simpson, and the Steel dossier, was outside his purview.


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