Donald Trump Rips ‘Angry’ Leftist Congress ‘Squad’ with Their Own Words

President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally in Greenville, N.C., Wednesday, July 17,
AP Photo/Gerry Broome

President Donald Trump ripped four leftist Democrat members of Congress on Wednesday, highlighting their history of controversial anti-American comments.

He called out the members of “The Squad” – Democrat Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley – eliciting boos from the crowd of supporters at his Greenville, North Carolina rally.

Trump recalled Omar blaming the United States for the radical Islamic terrorist attacks and slandering Americans who were killed in Black Hawk Down in Somalia. He also referred to Omar referring to the 9/11 attacks as “some people did something” and supporting former recruits to the Islamic State asking for clemency.

He also noted that Omar refused to say whether or not she supported Al Queda, and he condemned Omar’s history of “vicious antisemitic screeds.”

Trump noted that the establishment media did not mention Omar’s controversial comments in response to the firestorm over his condemnation of her politics.

The president said that Talib supported Omar’s comments about 9/11 and said that fellow members of congress who supported Israel forgot who they represented.

He also referred to Talib’s comment that Democrats would “impeach the motherf*cker” when she was elected to congress.

“That’s not nice, even for me,” Trump said, noting that she used the “big fat vicious f-word.”

“That’s not somebody that loves our country,” Trump said.

Ocasio-Cortez, Trump said, continued to condemn the patriot border enforcement officials, comparing them to Nazis running “concentration camps” for detaining migrants and illegal immigrants at the border.

Trump also said Ocasio-Cortez was lying about detained illegals being forced to drink water out of toilets.

“Cortez said that illegal immigrants are more American than any person who seeks to keep them out, ever will be,” Trump said as the crowd booed. He also noted that Ocasio-Cortez called Americans “garbage,” which he considered a terrible political gaffe.

Referring to Pressley, Trump jokingly asked if she was related to Elvis Presley before criticizing her for condemning people of color who refused to join the leftist agenda.

“Can you imagine if I said that?” Trump asked. “It would be over!”

Trump said that the four congresswomen were “so angry” and, in some cases, hated the United States.

“Tonight, I have a suggestion for the hate-filled extremists who are constantly trying to tear our country down,” Trump said. “If they don’t like it, let them leave.”


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