Elizabeth Warren Embraces ‘Made in America’ Policy During First Debate

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) promised to bring manufacturing jobs back to the United States during the first Democrat presidential debate, echoing one of President Trump’s original campaign promises.

“We’ve had an industrial policy in the United States for decades now, and it has basically been ‘let giant corporations do whatever they want to do,'” Warren said during the debate, noting a corporation’s basic loyalty to profits.

“If they can save a nickel by moving jobs to Mexico, Asia, or Canada, they’re going to do it,” she explained.

That being considered, Warren proposed a “Made in America” industrial policy centering around the market for green energy.

“There’s going to be a worldwide need for green technology– ways to clean up the air waste, to clean up the water, and we can be the ones to provide that,” Warren explained.

“We need to go ten-fold in our research and development on green energy going forward,” she continued, adding that corporations could use the research on one condition: Any products must be made in the United States.

“We need to say any corporation can come and use that research. They can make all kinds of products from it, but they have to be manufactured right here in the United States of America, and then we have to double down and sell it around the world,” she said.

Warren added that there is a “$23 trillion market” coming from green products and stated that the U.S. should lead the charge on the market.

“We should be the leaders and the owners, and we should have that 1.2 million manufacturing jobs here in America,” she said.


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