Black leaders responded to the statement by Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand that judges who would not uphold Roe v. Wade are akin to being “racist” by reminding the 2020 Democrat hopeful it is her party that has embraced abortion, which has ended the lives of more black babies than those of any other race.
Evangelist Alveda King, director of Civil Rights for The Unborn for Priests for Life, said she is “up in arms” after hearing Gillibrand’s comments during an interview with the Des Moines Register, in which the senator from New York compared pro-life beliefs to racism.
“Abortion is racist,” King said on a Priests for Life podcast. “It takes the lives of the most vulnerable part of the human population – that is an innocent human being in the womb, with no representation legally.”
In a press statement, King called on Gillibrand to “apologize” for comparing pro-life individuals to “racists.”
In the interview, Gillibrand said, “I will only appoint judges and justices who see Roe v. Wade as settled precedent because it is.”
“It is the law of the land It has been for over thirty years,” the Democrat senator added. “And the truth is woman reproductive freedom should not be an ideologic or political issue. I think it’s an issue of basic human rights.”
“The baby is not her body,” responded King, observing the mother and her unborn baby are two separate lives. “The contributions of chromosomes from both parents of the child in the womb make the baby a distinct person. Where is the lawyer for the baby? How can the dream survive if we murder our children?”
Like many black leaders, King observed that Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger was a “consultant to the Ku Klux Klan,” and “a terrible racist, a genocidal eugenicist.”
“In promoting the sanctity of all human life from the womb to the tomb as ‘racist,’ Sen. Gillibrand is revealing her true colors,” the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. added. “She is supporting abortion, one of the most heinous forms of racism that exists. Abortion kills the weakest members of our human race; babies in the womb. A woman’s reproductive rights should never include the death of an innocent human being.”
Burgess Owens, a former NFL Super Bowl champion who played with the New York Jets and the Oakland Raiders, told Breitbart News it is “curious” that Democrats like Gillibrand who claim to be concerned about “racism” have also made “access to abortion at the core of black community happiness.”
Owens, the author of Liberalism or How to Turn Good Men into Whiners, Weenies and Wimps, said it is the Democrats’ “love for blacks that has resulted in the placement of 80% of abortion centers in minority urban communities.” He continued:
This same love for black women grants them abortion priority over every other race, and, in particular, white women. Though blacks represent 13 percent of the American population, black women represent 40 percent of those who abort their babies. This prioritization has resulted in the black race being the first in New York City history to experience ‘de-population,’ in which more black babies were aborted than born alive. It has been estimated that close to 20 million Black babies have been aborted since 1973, which represents 40 percent of the present black population.
King said slaves and unborn babies have in common the fact that both “have little or no say over whether they will live or die.”
“According to Sen. Gillibrand’s reasoning, all of us who are black and pro-life are racists,” the evangelist continued. “How ridiculous and shameful! After surviving 400 years of slavery and racism in America, we deserve more than abortion.”
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