Former Maryland Representative John Delaney Booed at CA Democrat Convention After Questioning Hardline Stance on Universal Health Care

The Associated Press
The Associated Press

Attendees at the California Democratic Convention booed Former Maryland Representative John Delaney (D) after he called the left’s hardline “Medicare for All” stance into question. 

Delaney, who was one of the earliest prominent Democrats to throw a hat in the presidential ring, tried to convey his support for universal health care but was brutally booed by attendees after calling for a bit of moderation.

“We should have universal health care, but it shouldn’t be a kind of health care that kicks 150 million Americans off their health care,” he said, sparking a chorus of boos. “That’s not smart policy.”

Delaney is not the only Democrat who has dealt with a tough crowd. On Saturday, those attending the California Democrat Convention booed former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper (D) after he called the party’s mass embrace of socialism into question.

“If we want to beat Donald Trump and achieve big progressive goals, socialism is not the answer,” Hickenlooper told the crowd.

NBC’s Ali Vitali ‏caught up with former Obama official and current Democrat candidate Julián Castro and asked if Democrat candidates can run a successful primary by taking on more “moderate” positions.

“Oh, you heard the reaction,” Castro said, according to Vitali. “Probably not in this state. Who knows?”

In regards to the growing 2020 field, Delaney finds himself in the back of the pack. He’s suffering from a lack of name recognition, according to recent Morning Consult polling information.

The latest Real Clear Politics average has Delaney polling at 0.5 percent.


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