Courtney O’Brien writes in Townhall about an urgent letter delivered to the House Budget Committee by Job Creators Network warning of the dire consequences to individuals and small businesses that arise from single-payer health care systems, or “socialized medicine”:
The House Budget Committee is holding a hearing on Wednesday on the Key Design Components and Considerations for Establishing a Single-Payer Health Care System. As a pre-emptive strike, Job Creators Network sent an urgent letter to the panel warning them what could result from the “socialist” system that has been pushed by the likes of progressive politicians like Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).
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JCN, which represents business owners and entrepreneurs, goes on to explain how other countries have suffered under single payer and that they’re not worth copying.
“Under Canada’s single-payer system, nearly one million Canadians are stuck on healthcare wait lists,” JCN reminds the committee. “More than 60,000 Canadian patients flee each year to escape their wait line, mostly going to the U.S.”
Read the rest of the article here.
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