Mike Pence Assures Focus on Stronger America After Mueller Report

US Vice President Mike Pence speaks during the AIPAC annual meeting in Washington, DC, on

Vice President Mike Pence assured American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) attendees Monday in the wake of the Mueller report that the Trump administration will remain focused on issues important to America.

“After two years of investigation and reckless accusations by many Democrats and members of the media, the Special Counsel confirmed what President Trump said along: There was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 election,” Mike Pence told the AIPAC crowd. “And the Attorney General confirmed there was no obstruction of justice,” he said to applause from the crowd.

“Make no mistake about it, my fellow Americans: This was total vindication of the President of the United States and our campaign, and it should be welcomed by every American,” said the vice president. 

He assured that the Trump administration would keep its focus on a more prosperous America and a safer world:

Even if some Democrats want to spend more time on discredited allegations, the American people can be confident the president and I are going to continue to focus where we always have — on the issues that are most important to our country: on a stronger and more prosperous America and on a safer world. And that’s exactly what we’ve done since the first day of this administration.

The crowd again applauded.

Pence spoke of massive investment in America’s military, the end of the Islamic State (ISIS) caliphate, an American economic resurgence following massive tax and regulatory cuts, and a deep commitment to the alliance between America and Israel.

Michelle Moons is a White House Correspondent for Breitbart News — follow on Twitter @MichelleDiana and Facebook.


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