Monday on CNN’s “OutFront,” American Urban Radio Network’s White House correspondent April Ryan called White House press secretary Sarah Sanders “the queen of dodgeball.”

Ryan said, “Today Erin, Sarah was the queen of dodgeball. But at the same time, you have to remember, it’s best for everyone involved to keep their mouths shut, even though the president went on Twitter and tweeted something, Sarah is in a situation where it’s a he said/she said. She probably felt that she shouldn’t say it number one, because she’s now starting to take the advice of real lawyers, to keep their mouths shut until everything is done and you’re in court or in hearings. But at the same time, she knew she couldn’t win, because the president says one thing, his credibility is shot. And then you also have Michael Cohen whose credibility is shot. And you don’t know which way to turn.”

She added, “You know, why have a briefing? Because of transparency. People need to know what’s going on. And the unfortunate thing, you see it unravel in realtime that she is the queen of dodgeball.”

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