WATCH: First Pro-Life Youth Organization Launched at Historically Black College

The largest pro-life youth organization in the United States has launched its first chapter at a Historically Black College and University (HBCU).

“It’s time that we spark this revolution to abolish abortion within the African-American community,” said Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America (SFLA), in an email letter to supporters as she introduced the group at Mississippi Valley State University (MVSU).

In the video announcing the launch of SFLA at MVSU, black pro-life leaders speak about the significance of the pro-life movement, especially for African Americans.

Radiance Foundation founder Ryan Bomberger said the pro-life movement, in general, has been “so demonized by mainstream media.”

“It’s demonized by liberal politicians that they’ve made it look like it’s a white Republican issue,” he said.

“Being an African American and especially seeing what’s going on in our communities, where, you know, 13 percent of the women in the country – 13 percent are African American with 30 percent of them having an abortion,” said former NFL running back Willie Green. “The leading killer in our black community is abortion.”

In a study released last summer, researchers at the University of North Carolina revealed that induced abortion is responsible for 61 percent of deaths of black Americans.

In addition, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) found that between 2007 and 2010, more than 35 percent of the deaths by abortion in the United States occurred with black babies, even though blacks represent only 12.8 percent of the population.

In the video, Sentarius J. Shird-Tolliver, president of the freshman class at MVSU, said, “We’re missing so many generations, and that hurts to say that.”

“But we are, in my community and the African American community, there is more children being killed by abortions than any other community there is,” she added.

SFLA at MVSU marched together for the first time at the March for Life in Washington, DC, in January.

“I’m gonna do whatever I can to basically recruit more students from my campus who want to make a difference,” said Acquedius Smith, president of SFLA at MVSU. “Students can make a difference.”

“I think the black community is especially targeted by abortions because Planned Parenthood is located near the low income areas,” explained Devin McLaurin, vice president of SFLA at MVSU. “People see it as an easy out, an easy option, when it’s not really the answer, and it really affects us emotionally and physically in the long term – and not just women, either.”

“There’s always an alternative to abortion,” he continued, adding that his group is working with students through campus ministry.

“Stand strong in your faith, and don’t be deterred or discouraged because you are not alone,” McLaurin said. “We are strong in numbers all over the country and … Students for Life of America is constantly growing.”


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