White House Issues Statement Condemning Violence Against Journalists

Man Attacked Cameraman
BBC News

The White House condemned violence against journalists after a man attacked a cameraman during a rally for President Donald Trump.

“President Trump condemns all acts of violence against any individual or group of people – including members of the press,” White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement. “We ask that anyone attending an event do so in a peaceful and respectful manner.”

Sanders released the statement after the White House Correspondents’ Association issued their own statement urging the president to address the incident.

A man wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat entered the press area during the rally in El Paso, Texas, and grabbed and shoved  BBC cameraman, Ron Skeans, disrupting coverage of the event. The man was ultimately forced out the arena by journalists and police officers but was not identified.

“We are relieved that, this time, no one was seriously hurt,” the statement from the WHCA president Olivier Knox read. “The president of the United States should make absolutely clear to his supporters that violence against reporters is unacceptable.”

Trump paused his rally at the time of the attack, asking the reporters if they were ok before he continued. When the reporter who was shoved gave him a thumbs up, Trump continued.


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