Rep. Andy Biggs to Trump: Start Building Wall Immediately with U.S. Military

Farmer Gene Hanson of Edgeley, North Dakota plowed a message of support for President Trum
Gene Hanson/Facebook

Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) is calling on President Trump to immediately begin building a border wall along the United States-Mexico border by invoking the powers of the American military and Defense Department.

During an interview on FOX Business Network’s Lou Dobbs Tonight, Biggs said Trump should use Title 10 United States Code § 284 to authorize the construction of a border wall by the U.S. military immediately.

Biggs said:

I don’t think [Trump] should even wait until February 15, there’s not going to be a deal that comes out of here. You see it already. I see it. There isn’t anybody who thinks there’s a deal. I’m proud of him for wanting to stand up, but I think what he needs to do now is Title 10 gives him authority to you know where there’s an active drug corridor … that the Department of Defense can access money and build a fence, I think he needs to do that.

I would say when you and I are done talking tonight, I would ask him to do that you know. I think that needs to happen.

“Title 10, Section 284 I think it’s pretty clear that the president has authority, the administration has this authority,” Bigg said.

As Breitbart News reported, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy John Rood confirmed in a House Armed Services Committee hearing this week that Trump does not need congressional approval or a national emergency declaration to build a wall along the southern border.

“You are correct, however, that [10 U.S.C. § 284] would authorize the secretary of defense to erect barriers, roads, fencing, those types of materials to disrupt drug smuggling,” Rood told Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL).

Most recently, Trump reopened the federal government by signing a funding bill that continues government spending at current levels. The funding measure did not include any border wall funds and thus there have been no additional construction projects announced at the southern border.

While the spending bill will fund parts of the federal government through February 15, there are about at least 30,000 illegal border crossings that are expected to occur during the next few weeks.

Meanwhile, a Senate conference committee of Democrats and Republicans have been negotiating a deal over immigration while White House adviser Jared Kushner has held meetings with open borders organizations like LULAC and spokespeople for the pr0-mass immigration billionaire Koch brothers.

Two deals propped up by a group of Republican Senators have included funding just a fifth of the border wall while providing amnesty to anywhere between 700,000 to 1.8 million illegal aliens.

Rep. Sean Duffy (R-WI) told Lou Dobbs it is a “huge mistake” for Trump to offer such a plan.

“The president has to understand if those bad advisers inside his administration are giving him the advice to offer amnesty for $5.7 billion dollars when it’s going to take $25 billion to build the wall,” Duffy said. “That is a huge mistake.”

Ed Rollins with Great America PAC said it is paramount that Trump build the wall before he begins running for re-election in 2020.

“If you don’t get the wall now, with all the chaos that’s going on in Latin and South America or Venezuela today is falling apart, you’ve got four million people that have evaporated out of the place. Where are they going? Everybody’s coming north,” Rollins said. “You’ve got the Cubans in there full time. It’s more important to have a wall than more than any time in our history.”

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.


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