Elaine Parker of Job Creators Network writes in The Hill about the upward trajectory of women entrepreneurs in the country, and suggests ways to encourage this trend:

The economic advances the U.S. has made over the past two years would have been hard to imagine just five years ago.

It’s often said that small businesses are the backbone of the American economy — a claim that couldn’t be more true. Small businesses employ nearly 60 million people—or half the U.S. workforce — and are responsible for two-thirds of all new jobs created. It’s obvious that without these hardworking job creators, the economic prowess of the U.S. would be diminished considerably.

However, one thing that is rarely mentioned is the growing role women entrepreneurs are playing in the U.S. economic ecosystem.

As of January 2017, there were 11.6 million women-owned businesses in the U.S.—which employed nearly nine million people and generated more than $1.7 trillion in revenue. In fact, they accounted for almost 40 percent of all U.S. businesses.