The White House is admitting that, through much of 2017, Ivanka Trump used a personal email account to conduct White House business.
According to the far-left Washington Post, the problem was caught and addressed internally It was only an issue because Ivanka arrived to work at the White House on March 30, more than two months after most everyone else at the beginning of President Trump’s presidency, which means she did not receive the proper training on email usage.
The Post reports that Ivanka’s personal email account was used “fewer than 100 times” to “discuss government policies and official business” and that “less-substantive emails may have also violated the records law.” These “less substantive” emails involved “hundreds of messages related to her official work schedule and travel details that she sent herself and personal assistants who cared for her children and house.”
“Ivanka Trump said she never intended to use her private email to shroud her government work,” the Post writes. “After she told White House lawyers she was unaware that she was breaking any email rules, they discovered that she had not been receiving White House updates and reminders to all staffers about prohibited use of private email, according to people familiar with the situation.”
So the Post’s own sources, those “people familiar with the situation,” are telling us there was no malice here.
That does not mean this is a small deal. Something, somewhere broke down that should not have broken down. As a result government policy was violated. This is a perfectly legitimate story for the media to report on and get to the bottom of.
Those Wolf Criers in the media comparing Ivanka’s email situation to Hillary Clinton’s legitimate email scandal are outright lying, are trying to convince you an avocado is an uzi, CNN is a legitimate news outlet, and that filling the Victoria’s Secret catalog with plus-size transgenders over 40 is “progress.”
And this overreach is so typical of the establishment media in the Trump era.
What we have here is a situation reasonable people could all agree on — that Ivanka should not have been using a personal email account to conduct White House business. But the media cannot leave it at that. Instead, they have to seek revenge against President Trump by comparing Ivanka to Hillary, which is — based on what we know so far –breathtakingly stupid and anti-science for these 11 reasons…
- Ivanka did not know she was doing anything wrong. Hillary did.
- Ivanka did not engage in a cover up by deleting her emails, which means no laws were broken regarding the Presidential Records Act. Hillary deleted 33,000 emails.
- No classified information passed through Ivanka’s personal email account. According to the FBI, Hillary sent or received over 100 emails containing classified information.
- Ivanka did not set up a secret server in the bathroom of her private home. Hillary did.
- Ivanka did not lie about her emails. Hillary lied repeatedly.
- Ivanka did not use BleachBit. Hillary used BleachBit to ensure no one would ever read the 33,000 emails she deleted.
- Ivanka did not use a hammer to smash phones as a means to ensure no one saw her emails. Hillary used a hammer to destroy multiple mobile devices.
- Ivanka did not deliberately attempt to hide her emails from the public and government. Hillary set up a secret server in her bathroom, deleted 33,000 emails with BleachBit, and took a hammer to her phones.
- This is the first time Ivanka has worked in government — which lends credibility to the fact she did not know she was violating policy. Hillary installed a secret server after serving for two decades in government.
- Ivanka was not properly trained on the use of government and personal email. Hillary was and signed a document to that effect.
- Hillary claimed those 33,000 deleted were related to children and “yoga routines.” While she has not made this claim, it would be more believable coming from Ivanka.
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