Libertarian Rick Breckenridge Endorses GOP Matt Rosendale for Montana Senate as the ‘Front Man’ of Liberty

AP Photo/Bobby Caina Calvan

Libertarian Montana Senate candidate Rick Breckenridge endorsed Republican candidate Matt Rosendale on Wednesday, stating that Rosendale would serve as a champion of liberty in the U.S. Senate.

During a conference call on Wednesday, Breckenridge announced, “I am here today to support Matt and endorse him in his continued efforts to be the front man in the cause of liberty,” Breckenridge declared.

Rosendale said he was honored to have the endorsement of the Libertarian candidate and that he will continue to work to “limit the role of government in our lives.”

Rosendale said in a statement on Wednesday:

 I am honored to have the endorsement of Rick Breckenridge. I share his concerns with veterans issues and access to health care, and the need to limit the role of government in our lives. Rick is one of the most honest and principled men I’ve come to know, and I appreciate the Republican and Libertarian Parties unifying in Montana to defeat Jon Tester this November.

Breckenridge continued, suggesting that despite his three or four percent polling, he has been able to spread the message of limited government. The Montana Libertarian candidate recognized his relatively small polling numbers would not make him the next Montana senator; however, he hopes that Rosendale can continue his work to advocate for limited government.

Breckenridge’s endorsement of Rosendale would also dissuade Libertarian voters from backing his candidacy and move towards Rosendale’s, which might limit Breckenridge’s candidacy spoiling the election in favor of Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT). Breckenridge will remain on the Montana ballot on November 6; however, he encourages voters to back Rosendale.

Rosendale has earned the endorsement of conservative icons and activist groups during the Montana Senate Republican primary.

Sen. Rand Paul endorsed Rosendale for U.S. Senate and said Rosendale has proven himself a “champion of limited government.”

Sen. Paul told Breitbart News in an exclusive statement in June:

Matt Rosendale is the type of fearless defender of liberty I want fighting by my side in the US Senate. We need more lovers of liberty in the Senate. Matt has proven himself a bold defender of our constitutional rights and a champion of limited government. The people of Montana would be well served by sending Matt Rosendale to Washington!

Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Ted Cruz (R-TX) have also endorsed Rosendale for the U.S. Senate, and more than 30 Montana-elected officials endorsed Rosendale.

Cruz wrote an op-ed in the Flathead Beacon in May that we need “strong leaders like Matt Rosendale” who will defend the Constitution.

Lee said in a statement in December, “I’m thrilled to endorse Matt Rosendale for Senate. Matt’s a true Montana conservative. We need his courage, his leadership, and his no-nonsense approach now more than ever in the Senate.”

Rosendale’s candidacy has surged in the final weeks of the Montana Senate race as the Montana Democrat’s lead has slipped to a statistical tie. A Gravis Marketing poll released on Tuesday found that Tester only leads by three points, and given that the survey has a 3.5 margin of error, the race has become a virtual tie between the incumbent Democrat and the insurgent conservative.

“Supporters of liberty of all types must band together to defeat Jon Tester, who has embraced the worst that Washington, D.C., has to offer. It’s time to elect a serious defender of our freedoms to the Senate who means business,” Rosendale charged in January.


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