Watch: Donald Trump Launches Midterm Ad Featuring CNN Report on Strong Economy

President Donald Trump’s campaign released a new campaign ad on Monday, urging voters to support Republicans in the midterm elections.

The ad begins with a clip from CNN’s New Day morning show noting the historic high economic numbers under President Trump.

“We can’t go back,” the ad argues, showing a mother taking her daughter to violin practice after breaking ground on a new business venture and buying a new house.

The Trump campaign plans to spend $6 million to run the ad nationwide.

“The message conveys optimism in the direction of our country and offers a vivid warning that only by electing Republicans on November 6 can we ‘choose the right future’ for our children,” Trump’s campaign manager Brad Parscale said in a statement. “It speaks to all Americans to get out and vote for the GOP so President Trump’s booming economy and inspirational changes for hard-working American families can continue in the long run.”


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