PETA Ties Drinking Milk to White Supremacy

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Yep, PETA has latched on to white supremacists’ lactose tolerance gauge for racial purity in their latest publicity push.

According to PETA, “Cow’s milk really is the perfect drink of choice for all (even unwitting) supremacists, since the dairy industry inflicts extreme violence on other living beings.” Because of that, the infamous animal rights organization wants to “wake people up to the implications of choosing this white beverage.”

PETA writer Zachary Tolliver’s article is typically quite graphic, comparing factory farming practices to human sexual violence. “Rape is perhaps the single most heinous crime involving both power and violence,” Tolliver wrote, “but it’s standard procedure in the dairy industry.”

Later, Tolliver calls out the dairy industry for misleading consumers with pro-milk ad campaigns, citing unsourced “medical studies” which purportedly show that “dairy products are a health hazard.” And while excessive dairy — like excessive anything — can become a health concern, milk is largely recognized as an important element of a healthy diet.

Unlike soy or almond milk, for instance, cow’s milk contains no fiber or complex carbohydrates and is full of saturated animal fat and cholesterol. Consuming dairy products is also linked to developing heart disease as well as prostate, breast, and ovarian cancer.

The article ends with another assertion that switching to non-dairy “milks” is a good way to prove you are not a racist. “With so many different types of cruelty-free, delicious milks on the market,” Tolliver asserts, “opposing supremacists has never been easier.”


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