Watch – Donald Trump: ‘I’m a Nationalist’ Not a Globalist

President Donald Trump proclaimed himself a nationalist on Monday, shunning the precepts of “globalism” throughout the world.

“A globalist is a person that wants the globe to do well, frankly, not caring about our country so much,” Trump said. “You know what I am? I’m a nationalist. Okay? A nationalist. Use that word.”

The president spoke about nationalism during his political rally in Houston, Texas with Senator Ted Cruz.

The crowd responded by roaring with approval and chanting “U-S-A!!!”

Trump acknowledged that people repeatedly tried to avoid the term because it was “bad” and “old-fashioned” but embraced it.

He said that the United States continued to protect the world, subsidize their economies despite unfair trade deals, but that things would change.

“We’re not letting them rip us off any more folks,” Trump said.

Trump pointed to a poll showing that people in foreign countries gave him a 70 percent disapproval rating, but said it was because he stood for America first.

“Under Republican leadership, America is winning again, America is respected again, because we are putting America First,” he said.
Trump noted new polls released Monday that showed his approval rating getting better.

“I’m one of the most popular presidents in this country, and that’s good,” he said.

Trump warned that Democrats would bring about socialism in the United States.

“Democrats are a big risk to the American family and our country cannot afford to take those kinds of risks,” he said.

Watch the rally below:



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