Watch–Elizabeth Warren: ‘No One, Not Even Trump’ Can Take Away My American Indian Heritage

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) says “no one, not even the president of the United States will ever” be able to take away her purported American Indian heritage.

After releasing a 2018 midterm election October surprise on Monday, wherein the liberal lawmaker released the findings of a DNA test showing she is likely less than one percent American Indian, Warren released a short, five-minute documentary video in which she says Trump cannot “take” her ancestry from her.

“Native communities have faced discrimination, neglect, and violence for generations,” Warren says in the video. “And Trump can say whatever he wants about me, but mocking Native Americans or any group in order to try to get at me? That’s not what America stands for.”

“Some people have questioned my heritage and my family history,” Warren says. “Maybe they do it to insult me … Maybe they do it because they think politics is a blood sport. But my parents were real people, the love they shared, the struggles they endured, the family they built, the story they lived, will always be etched on my heart.”

“And no one, not even the president of the United States will ever take it away from me,” Warren says.

As Breitbart News noted, Warren is actually less Native American than many white, Hispanic, and black Americans. Experts with 23andMe say the average black American is nearly one percent Native American, while the average Hispanic American is 18 percent Native American. Additionally, about eight percent of white Americans in Louisiana, for example, are at least one percent Native American.

Warren’s American Indian ancestry is so small that she would is not eligible to join the country’s three federally-recognized Cherokee tribes, Breitbart News reported.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder


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