Kevin McCarthy: George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Tom Steyer ‘Trying to Buy our Government’

Kevin McCarthy: George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Tom Steyer ‘Trying to Buy our Governmen
OLIVIER HOSLET/AFP/Tim P. Whitby/Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

House Majority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) warned in an interview with Fox News’ Sunday Morning Futures host Maria Bartiromo that far-left billionaires George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, and Tom Steyer are pouring millions into Democratic committees this election cycle in a bid to “buy our government.”

A partial transcript is as follows:

BARTIROMO: Here we are, 23 days away from the midterms. Let’s start there. I know that you’ve been traveling the country trying to support your colleagues across the country in different races, as well as raising an enormous amount of money for your colleagues in the Republican Party. Give us a sentiment in terms of where you see the midterms headed.

MCCARTHY: I see the midterms have actually changed in the last month. The intensity level — there was an advantage on the Democratic side that has narrowed, viewing what the Democrats have done to Kavanaugh. I see the intensity level shifting.

There is a real concern that I have, though, because Michael Bloomberg, if you watch — who recently re-registered as Democrat — he is trying to buy the Democrat nomination to run against President Trump. He has put in $80 million to try to win the House.

The president was just there in Kentucky because that’s one of the first races you’re going to want to watch. Andy Barr against Amy McGrath. Amy McGrath, in her own words, this is how she describes herself — the most liberal Democrat in Kentucky. I see this is going to be a battle because of the financial resources the Democrats have against us. But, the number of our candidates are doing very well and have gotten a bump in the last couple of weeks.

BARTIROMO: It’s interesting when you look at that because, for the longest time, the Democrats tried to say they were the party of the American worker. Yet, when you look at the donations from individuals to the Republican Party, you are beating the Democrats in that regard, but they’ve got a handful of big, deep-pocketed donors like a Michael Bloomberg, like a Tom Steyer.

MCCARTHY: Just think the three individuals who are funding the Democratic Party, George Soros, you’ve got Michael Bloomberg, it’s not just $80 million into the House, he put another $20 million to try to win the Senate, then Tom Steyer, more than a $120 million he’s spent trying to win. His win goal is to try to impeach President Trump. He brags that his impeachment list is bigger than the NRA list. Those three individuals are trying to buy our government in this process. It’s very disturbing.


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